Saturday, September 25, 2010

Code Ballet

I was a computer programmer.

  • Little to no formal education-check
  • Broke, then had to fix plenty of computer related things-check
  • Love of caffeine-check
  • Lack of social skills-check
Guess I wasn't a good one since I was "laid off" and couldn't find a job for so long that now I work behind a pharmacy counter as a glorified cashier.

However, recently, I've been working on an e-commerce website for a small business up in New York and I am beginning to fall in love with it again.

So I have decided to start a blog about my views on coding and the like just to have a mental scratchpad and to share some views on coding and some interesting snippets.

But I am off to the pharmacy... again... So I will post my first real article on Coding and Ballet when I get back.